Harry Henry Gebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb/wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 02:17:46PM +0800, Song Jianping wrote:
> > Can mutt send html file diretly, without be treated as attachment.
> I am pretty sure that all mailers include HTML as an attachment, in
> fact with MIME even the plain text parts of the message are
> attachments. Other mailers do it a little more transparently than
> mutt, but it is still an attachment.

That's completly wrong. Originally, MIME did not even have the concept  
of "attachments". All it allowes is labelling the type of the message  
bodies and sending multiple body parts in one message.

The concept of "attaching" files to a text message is not known in MIME;  
it is an invention of user agents.

There is an addition to MIME, which allows labelling parts as  
"attachment" or "inline". But this is only a suggestion how a user agent  
might present these parts to the user. There is no limitation on how  
many parts can be inline or attachment, you can mix them as you like.

AFAIR mutt does not allow one to set the disposition for parts of an  
message; it always applies "inline" to the text part (which can be  
deleted, however) and "attachment" to all "attached" files.

Claus Andre Faerber <http://www.faerber.muc.de>
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