Hi All,
I'm at a loss as to how to get mutt to automatically encrypt message
to a group of people, but also to NOT encrypt if one of the recipients
isn't a person who I have a pgp key for them.
The manual (I did RTFM!) says...
Setting this variable will cause Mutt to always attempt to PGP/MIME
encrypt outgoing messages. This is probably only useful in connection
to the send-hook command. It can be overridden by use of the pgp-menu,
when encryption is not required or signing is requested as well.
So I thought
send-hook ~A unset pgp_autoencrypt
send-hook personA set pgp_autoencrypt
send-hook personB set pgp_autoencrypt
might work. If I send mail to "personA" it will encrypt, but mail to
"personC" won't. However mail to "personC, personA" WILL encrypt (but
as I don't have any key for personC I don't want it to encrypt).
The only solution I can think of is :
send-hook ~A set pgp_autoencrypt
send-hook ! (personA|personB|...) unset pgp_autoencrypt
However this is ungainly, and likely to be rather long for any
reasonable list of pgp-aware people.
Effectively I want to have autoencrypt on if I have ALL then
recipients pgp keys, and off otherwise. Can anyone make any
suggestions how to do this?
"Theory!" he said. "Theory! Damned important, that. You set a
technician on a problem. He'll fool around. Waste lifetimes.
Get nowhere. Just putter about at random. A true scientist
works with theory. Lets math solve his problems."
-- Not Final! Isaac Asimov
PGP signature