On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 05:41:27PM -0400, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 05:14:24PM -0400, Harry Henry Gebel wrote:
> > I believe that would require each file in the directory to be scanned
> > to determine if there is any unread email in it. Mutt would probably
> > have to start using summary files to do this efficiently, I do not
> > think it keeps any now, or at least I haven't been able to find any.
> Yes, I looked at the code and came to the same conclusion. Too bad can't do
> the same trick as for newemail, only checking the last message... sigh.
> Perhaps in time this summary information will become required anyways for some
> other feature, yet to come. But such information would probably require quite
> a bit of code to be touched/updated, to make sure that the info is constantly
> up to date...
A simpler way that would allow marking folders with unread mail might
be to leave an empty marker file when there is unread mail in a
folder, that way keeping it up to date would only involve removing or
making the marker file. Of course a summary file would contain alot
more useful information than an empty marker file could, but as you
say it could involve alot of changes.
Harry Henry Gebel, Senior Developer, Landon House SBS
West Dover Hundred, Delaware
PyNcurses: python binding for ncurses http://pyncurses.sourceforge.net