
* Sam Roberts wrote on 04 Apr 2000:

> I don't know if this is a gpg question, or a mutt one, but...

a gpg one ;-)

> I'd like mutt to not verify signatures that are not in my
> keyring, in particular I don't want gpg to trying to connect
> to the keyserver when I'm not on-line. How is gpg being called
> for key verification, and is there a way to make it not
> contact keyservers?

Remove the "keyserver" line from your .gnupg/options. But then no
sigs are checked... so I am having my options copied every time o go
online or offline. The online version has a keyserver line, the
offline one doesn't.



"No worries." - Rincewind

Sebastian Helms   -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP available)

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