On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 04:29:01PM -0600, Jeremy Blosser muttered:
-> > Jimmy Mäkelä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
-> > > Is it possible to look at the original To: of the message which I wan't
-> > > to reply to, and execute commands based on the contents of that.
-> > > 
-> > > This would be nice since it is pretty common to have more than one
-> > > email-address, and it is IMHO better to have the address which they wrote
-> > > to as From in the reply.
-> > 
-> > This must surely be the second most frequently asked question (after
-> > the one about hooks having a permanent effect unless you also have a
-> > default hook to reset the state).
-> I don't know, "how do I make Mutt filter mail" is pretty popular too ;)
-> > See reverse_name in the latest mutt. Unfortunately this isn't in
-> > mutt-1.0, I think.
-> Others have noted this has been around forever, I will add that you should
-> also see the $alternates variable, as reverse_name is useless without it.

OK, having gotten this far, how do you set it up? I experimented and came
up with the following:

# Set the various names by which I expect to get email. A regex.

send-hook '~f [EMAIL PROTECTED]' "set signature=~/.sig.wyolp.web; \
                    my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; \
                    my_hdr Reply-To: Charles Curley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

Mutt version is 1.0.1.


                -- C^2

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