> >
> > I want to create "mailling lists" using mutt, that's to say, sending
> > news to some users, but the users need not reply my mails.  As i want
> > to implement the list using scripts, I can not invoke mutt
> > interactively, all i can do is to use commandline options. 
> Is there some reason you need to use Mutt?
  My idea is to use Mutt to encode the attachments and produce the headers.

> Compose your message in a file, with full headers and all.  You need not
> insert the recipients into the To: header, though you should have one in
> the headers.  You can have a fake To: header, such as "To: my-list",
> even if there is no such list as "my-list".
> Once you have composed the file, send it directly via sendmail:
>               [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <  mail.file
> As you can see, sendmail will take the contents of mail.file and
> distribute it to all of the senders you name on the command line.
> You can even put the list of names into a file, and insert them thusly:
>     sendmail `cat users.list`  <  mail.file
> Voila!  A mutt-less solution (on the mutt mailing list, no less)!  :)

Yes, this is a good idea. But i can not send attachments by this method,
and the subscriber will find To: header is not for them, a bit confusing.

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