I was hunting around for this last night, but where do can you specify your character set for a "quoting reply" of instance blah blah said: & lakdjfslakdjf & kjad;slfjaklsdjf & kajds;lfkjasldkfj ^-----------> this being the "quoting reply character" --- /helfman "At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always been in your possession." Fingerprint: 2F76 2856 776A 3E07 9F3E 452A 17D9 9B28 D75E 0A36 GnuPG http://www.gnupg.org Get Private!
- Re: quoting reply Jason Helfman
- Re: quoting reply Eugene Lee
- Re: quoting reply Lars Hecking
- Re: quoting reply Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
- Re: quoting reply Vincent Lefevre
- Re: quoting reply David T-G