On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 10:42:42PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> % So with "quit" I actually meant changing to the "mailbox view" (with "c" and
> % <tab><tab> by def., or -y on startup), where all mailboxes, given mutt with
> % "mailboxes (...)" in the muttrc, are listed.
> Ah; OK. That's an easy one; after you sync your mailbox changes, press
> '%' to toggle mailbox write status. When you then 'c'hange to another
> mailbox, nothing new gets written to the one you're leaving.
The automaticly switching to "O" is a good feature though.
Hmm... its true that % doesnt change the flags _in_ the mailbox but the
"N" flag in the mailbox list is gone anyway.
> % > % BTW: is it possible to see in the index if there are marked messages
> % > % ("!" flag) in a mailbox?
> % >
> % > Before you open the mailbox with mutt, you mean? Not to my knowledge,
> % > since mutt doesn't scan message headers until it's actually opening the
> I might have to correct myself on this one, though the "to my knowledge"
> part is still true. It's my understanding that Maildir folders write the
> status info at the end of the name of the mail file rather than *in* it,
> and so you don't have to open <n> files to see the stati but instead
> merely scan the directory. I dunno if mutt supports this type of looking
> and whether or not it's time consuming, but it's a better chance (if it
> really exists as herein specified ;-) than an mbox...
Thats true.
But it would be a nice idea to have one "stauts file" for all mailboxes
where the flags "N" or "!" etc. could be written down by mutt.
> % So mutt only looks on the timestamp of the mailbox if there are new
> % mails and sets the N flag as long as it hasn't synced?
> For the mail folder browser, that's basically it; mutt compares the
> modification time (like when mail last dropped in) and the access time
> (like when something -- including, and here's the kicker, a shell mailbox
> watcher or biff or something like that -- last looked into the mailbox;
> only if the mod time is newer does the box show as 'N' (which, from
> another point of view, makes sense; the list isn't about unread mails in
> the mailbox, since you've at least seen them, but about mail newer than
> the last time you visited -- and so if you can't get through all of the
> new mails in a folder in one read, tough luck for you :-)
Ah, now all this makes sense to me...
Hmm... maybe it is possible to create a macro that changes the mod time,
so mutt thinks that there are new mails? Ooh, hence my mail checker would
think that maybe too... (gkrellm does this currently for me).
> Perhaps Maildir is the answer for this, too ... but it would very
> probably require some coding on your own :-)
Perhaps I'll make something if I have enough time and its not too
complex - just started to code c :)
greetings supio ( Marc Noller ) | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://oipus.net |
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