This is an odd problem that may or may not be Mutt related. I'd be glad
to continue the discussion by private basis if appropriate.

When I attach a gif file to a short message, the 'send' fails. I've
gotten failures with gifs of 26 kb and 7kb, yet a gif of 1.9 kb is sent
OK. More puzzling still, if I attach text or html files of 7 - 30 kb
rather than gifs, they are sent without error.

I use smail to send to my ISP as smart host, but I get the same
behavior from sstmp. Inspection of an smail debug log for a failure
reveals that the failure is apparently due to a lack of an
acknowledgement by the smart host when my MTA sends a single "." to
show "end-of-data":

[locking info, message ID, transport driver, etc deleted for brevity]
SMTP-reply: 220 uz.ComCAT.COM ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3/sol2/mh/19991004; Mon, 27 Mar 
2000 15:03:14 -0500 (EST)
SMTP-send:  HELO localhost
SMTP-reply: 250 uz.ComCAT.COM Hello a589.ComCAT.COM [], pleased to meet 
SMTP-send:  MAIL FROM:<hlarons@localhost>
SMTP-reply: 250 <hlarons@localhost>... Sender ok
SMTP-reply: 250 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Recipient ok
SMTP-send:  DATA
SMTP-reply: 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
SMTP-send:  .
[here's where things stop. There is NO "SMTP-reply: 250 Message
accepted..." from the smart host, and I need to kill smail or the box just 
sits there.

I've tried "unset set allow_8bit" but that makes no difference.

Any ideas, anyone, please?
Howard Arons
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