[OT apology, disclaimer, etc.: Muttzilla isn't really affiliated with
mutt, I just happen to use mutt. I'm not sure mutt-users is a good
place for this, especially since I always get dropped from all of the
mutt lists three days after I subscribe anymore. But anyway...]
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:36:23PM -0600, Jason Helfman wrote:
> is it possible to use mutzilla for netscape for use for mail (mutt) and
> news (trn) ???? or can only slrn be used....???
Yes, you can use any news reader you like, so long as it accepts the
right sort of command line arguments, or you have low expectations.
(Low expectations would be especially good, since I don't use the news
side much, so I consider it "poorly tested". :) I use tin myself,
having given up on slrn. If the included docs aren't adequate contact
me off-list and I'll give you more specific instructions.
> i have tried to get it to only use mail, but unsuccessfull...I want to
> use it for both, though.
I use the mail side often, as do a lot of other people. Getting mail
working is the place to start. If this is a problem, then either the
helpful people on mutt-users will get you going, or you can contact me
off-list with some more details on what you've tried and what hasn't
P.S. Some of you may have messages still lingering in my really huge
=muttzilla-pending mailbox. My thesis has been calling, so I'm very
behind. I'm going to try to flush it out soon though. It shouldn't
take more than a couple hours.... I haven't discarded any muttzilla
related e-mail I've received, so if you haven't gotten a reply yet
please be patient.