* Jon Walthour ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000328 08:59]:
> Okay. Stupid user question time. I say this because I'm sure the answer
> is something simple like "install this" or "set that" or something like
> that ... or worse yet, RTFM. I just can't figure it out. So, here goes:
> Every now and then, I get an email with no body. It just says,
> [-- application/pgp is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]
What you are trying to view is a PGP/Mime message. It's been signed and/or
encrypted using PGP. The reason you're getting the odd behaviour is that when
mutt is trying to read the message, by piping it through pgp, it gets fed into
the binary named "pgp", which would be correct if you were using pgp2, but
because you've got (guessing) pgp5i, it's not correct and thus pgp prints
usage information.
You have two options really. One, you can downgrade to pgp2, or you can go the
RightWay (tm) and set the pgp related variables correctly so that mutt will
know how to use your version of PGP.
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