On 2000-03-25 18:19:01 +0200, Mikko Hänninen wrote:

> If that doesn't answer you, could you please give a few
> more details..?

His point is that he'd like to be able to use the new
unhook command in the beginning of each profile, and load
standard hooks at the right place from a different file.

>> Known problems/questions: - Is there a way to include
>> a message on the status bar with a macro?

> You can customise the status bar to your heart's
> content by setting the $status_format variable, so yes.
> :-)

He's talking about the line with the error messages.
However, modifying the status bar should work, too.

> There is no way to do conditional execution in a
> .muttrc file based on the contents of some variable or
> something, only with hooks (and the conditional status
> format expansions).

You can always do funny things with the shell - backtick
expansions are your friend.

source ~/.mutt/colors.`if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ] ; then echo linux ; else echo default 
; fi`


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