! Erik Jarvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [240300 06:54]:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 09:30:29AM -0600, Jason Helfman wrote:
> > Well you can use the system defaults, by using the "?" key. But I
> > believe it is "C" to copy the message to another folder.
> Thanks for the info.
> I figured it out. "s" for save to a folder, and "C" is to copy to a folder.
> My only complaint with Mutt is you can't (I think) hilite the index
> by subject. I'd like to have the different mailing lists that I'm on
> have a different color. I've only been able to hilite by status.
> new, deleted, tagged, or flagged.
I am goign to copy this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see if this
can be done. I am almost positive that you can do what you are speaking
of. You can do anything with mutt, I have found.
> I've been looking into the (proc|send|fetch)mail combo.
> My only concern is leaving port 25 open.
> I have ident logging, and I've noticed that sending mail the host
> where I'm sending mail to is connecting to ident. Are there any gotcha's
> by not using my ISP's mailserver to send mail, since I'm on a dialup?
> Thanks,
> Erik
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