On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 11:16:45PM +0200, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Erik Thiele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 23 Mar 2000:
> > mark_old:
> > i use standard unix mail folders.
> > unset mark_old
> > does what i want. but in mutt -y overview mode, the folders with
> > new messages inside won't be shown (they are shown only the first time).
> > but this is probably a feature ? i ain'T sure ;)
> That's because (I assume) after Mutt exits, the modification and access
> times are the same.
> This is really a tricky issue: should the "N" flag in the folder index
> indicate that the folder has *newly arrived* mail in it, or should it
> indicate that the folder contains mail marked as new?  These two are
> separate methods, and you can't have both.  Currently, the behaviour
> seems to vary depending on the folder type.  mbox folders behave in the
> former way, and Maildir folders in the latter.  I believe this is so
> regardless of the value of $mark_old.
> I suppose when exiting a mbox folder with messages still marked as new,
> Mutt could set the folder access time 1 second earlier than the
> modification time, in order to get the N flag in the folder listing.
> However it's not clear whether it should do this or not; some people
> may want it one way while others the other.  This suggests the need for
> YAO (yet-another-option)...

i think the best item for a YAO, that would also solve
the "Compressed Folders and the "N" flag" thread would be:


it means that mutt doesn't examine the atime of the folder
but instead looks inside and determines all of it's information
from inside the folder.

this option would fix ALL of those stupid atime related problems.

YES, it is slow. but it works (tm) ;)


Name:  Erik Thiele                                       \\\\
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                o `QQ'_
IRC:   erikyyy                                            /   __8
WWW:   http://www.erikyyy.de/                             '  `

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