On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 04:20:46PM -0600, Aaron Schrab wrote:
> The 'my_hdr From:' command is overriding the effect of reverse name. If
> you're using a 1.1.x version, you can set the 'from' variable to the
> address you want to be the default instead of using my_hdr.
Thanks! Worked like a charm. I was running 1.0 from the RPM's provided with
LinuxPPC, but I compiled 1.1.something (9 I think), and this works wonderfully!
In case anyone else is interested, in addition to the $from variable there is also
$realname (stupid me was trying to put both in the $from variable).
James F. Kubecki
The Kubecki Family Web Page: http://www.kubecki.com/