* On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 08:20:16AM -0600, Alex Lane wrote:
> I just got PGP (v. 6.5.2) back on my Linux box, and seem to have
> forgotten how it's supposed to work.
> If I write a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to encrypt and sign it, I get a
> prompt for the key ID of '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Pressing the return gets me a
> list of the public keys in my public key ring, with a '+' next to my
> entry, but *no* entries for bob, even though I know his key is on the
> ring. My one 'successful' attempt at the encrypt and sign operation
> resulted in me encrypting the message to myself, which carries the
> concept of eyes-only just a tad too far, wouldn't you agree? :^)
> What gives? Something simple, I guess, as I have not absorbed any
> coffee yet today. :^)
I will check out the newest version of mutt, my 1.0i has a lot of
trouble distinguishing my key from my revoked key (keeps trying to check
my passphrase against my revoked key), and just who, exactly, mutt
extracts from my public key ring is a mystery...all I can tell right now
is...it isn't everyone.
Alex Lane * Seabrook, Texas, USA -*- [EMAIL PROTECTED] * www.galexi.com/alex/
Do. Or do not. There is no 'try'. (Yoda)
PGP signature