On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 06:09:55PM +0000, J McKitrick wrote:
:I know mutt has an option (resolve) to not move to the next message
:after performing an action. If i delete a message, is there any way
:to get back to that message besides entering the message number? The
:index skips deleted messages when navigating, of course.
Interpreting your message differently, there's not a way to do so.
Using an example pager index:
36 Mar 13 J McKitrick (0.4K) selecting deleted messages
37 D Mar 13 Gary Johnson (0.6K) |->
38 Mar 14 J McKitrick (0.8K) |->
if my current selection is on message #36, pressing 'd' marks that
message as deleted, and moves my current select to message #38. As far
as I know, there is no mechanism within Mutt to remember your previous
selection; thus there's no way to automagically jump from message #38
back to message #36.
Eugene Lee