On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 08:11:16PM +0200, Mikko H?nninen wrote:
> David DeSimone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 13 Mar 2000:
> > Can anyone come up with an explanation for this?  I can't.
> Me either.  Sounds like it was time for some debugging...
> Well, I suppose, I should first see if I can reproduce the problem on
> my system.  If I have free time later today I might give it a go.
> This folder was mbox format, not over NFS... do I remember right?
> Which OS and filesystem type?  Even if that really shouldn't matter.

OS: Debian woody (Linux 2.2.13, i386)
mutt 1.1.5
MTA is Postfix 19991231.  
Delivering to mailboxes with Procmail using locking rules.  
FS is ext2.  

Drew Bloechl

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