J McKitrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Fri, 10 Mar 2000:
> On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 09:20:03AM -0800, Michael Elkins wrote:
> > ignore 'from '
> > 
> > note the space after the word from, it's important.

> adding:
> ignore 'from'
> doesn't change anything

Right, it wouldn't.  Try the following line EXACTLY (copy/paste it if

ignore 'from '

There MUST be a space included after the word "from" for it to work.
Like Michael already told you...

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
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