
On Thu, Mar 09 2000 14:11:46 -0500 wrote David T-G
with subject "Re: attachments appear as NoName":

> I've lost track of whether [the argument is that] mutt should put a
> 'name="*"' parameter on the Content-Type: header or [the complaint is
> that] mutt expects such a parameter.  It seems to me that either can be
> fixed with scripts.

Maybe I misstated my argument a little bit. I don't think mutt expects
a `name' parameter but some other mail clients may do, but I'm not
sure, I don't have dtmail. At least mutt does not create it but other
mail clients do (at least Outlook and kmail).

> 1) If we want mutt to provide the parameter, change $sendmail to a script
> that automatically adds the name= data to the Content-Type: line and then
> feeds everything on to sendmail.

The rfc doesn't say that it is necessary to behave that way, but my
_guess_ was that dtmail looks for it and if it doesn't find it, it
marks attachments as `NoName'. In this case writing some wrappers for
sendmail would fix the problem.

> This doesn't mean, of course, that I know anything about MIME or even
> general email RFCs :-)  If "everyone" out there expects a name= parameter,
> maybe we could just hack mutt to spit out Content-Type: headers that way
> with a leading X-Content-Type-Explanation: "for stupid mail clients like
> dtmail" so that everyone knows we know why we're doing it ;-)

Good suggestion ... :-)

Regards, Stefan.

Mark's Dental-Chair Discovery:
        Dentists are incapable of asking questions that require a
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