I'm searching a solution to properly print messages with paragraphs in long single
lines (in fact, like this one...).
I've put in my .muttrc the next command :
set print_command="mpage -1 -f | lpr -"
Mpage is a program whiwh translates ASCII to PostScript, and can optionnaly add
headers, frames around the text, and so. The option -f results in wrapping long lines
(by default, lines longer than the pagewidth are simply cut). In fact, it works like
the command "pr", and cut the lines everywhere, not only at the boundaries of words
(blank spaces, tabs, - ,etc.).
A solution is to save such messages, open it with vim, and use the command "gq", which
can properly reformat the paragraphs, wrapping long lines only at the ends of words.
But it's a long work, and it's desirable to find a non-interactive program, a sort of
"pr with enhancements", which can be used in pipes.
Is somebody knowing that ?
Gauthier Vandemoortele
Perwez, Belgium.
using Mutt 1.0us (1999-10-22) on Linux 2.2.14-15mdk [using ncurses 4.2]
(Mandrake 7)