On Sat, Jan 29, 2000 at 02:36:10PM -0500, Jim Breton wrote:
> As some of you may remember I just "discovered" Mutt only a few days
> ago.  Well, those few days have been awesome, Mutt is unbelievable!

I felt like this too :)

> I do have a few questions though.  :)
> For one, I'm always wondering if anyone has any patches for matching
> on something other than the beginning of a Subject line....  ;-)

Just look here:
$ less +/Patterns /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt

(assuming you installed mutt under /usr/local/)

> Also: is it possible to change header settings without changing
> folders (where I am using folder-hooks to change headers)?  Something
> like a macro.  I haven't tried any run-time reconfiguration yet, I've
> been doing everything in my .muttrc with hooks so far.  But let's say
> I wanted to send a msg from this address (jamesb-mutt) but I was in a
> folder which ran a hook that changed my address to something
> different.  There must be some way for me to re-config without
> changing folders and without editing the headers by hand?

There are also send-hooks, which can change your headers by looking to
whom you want to send the message.  And you can also setup a macro or
two to switch identities.

> Lastly, is there an address-book-ish feature where I can type a
> common-name like "Jim" and it will expand the address to
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"?  Would aliases in my .muttrc do this?

Yes, they would.  Just add

  alias jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Breton)

to your .muttrc and at the To: prompt type `jim', or just `j<TAB>' and 
let Mutt complete it for you.  Or just hit <TAB> and select recipients
by tagging them in the alias menu.

> Sorry for the newbie-ish questions, I can figure it all out but I've
> had to hammer out tons of mail over the last few days and have only
> had time to "get to know" the most superficial Mutt features so far.

Mutt has a very good manual.  If you don't find time to read it, you'll
never know what else Mutt can do to make life easier for you.

> P.S. If I have my spoolfile in /var/spool/mail/$USER but I don't want
> to have to browse to it constantly in the folder list, is it safe to
> make a symlink in my ~/mail/ directory which points to the file in
> /v/s/m/?
> If that's a bad idea I could just have my mail written to my home dir
> but I'd rather not do that yet because I have a few other things that
> depend on the file being in /v/s/m/ at the moment.

I do have such symlink.  So far nothing has gone wrong. ;)  But you do
not really need to browse for your inbox, just type `c!<ENTER>'.  `c'
for change-folder, `!' as a shortcut for `/var/spool/mail/$USER' and
<ENTER>... you know what it is for, don't you?

There are a couple of other shortcuts too.  You can find them in the
manual (hint hint ;).

Good luck,
Marius Gedminas
If A equals success, then the formula is A = X + Y + Z.  X is work.  Y
is play.  Z is keep your mouth shut.
                -- Albert Einstein

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