> A lot of the contents is (I presume) still correct for mutt-1.0.1 and
> gnupg-1.0.1, but you should advertise prominently that Mutt's PGP
> configuration variables have changed a lot between mutt-1.0 and
> mutt-1.1, i.e. mention this at the start of the document, so people
> don't get confused by reading something that doesn't apply to them.

Uh... the document was intended for a Spanish audience, but someone
translated it into English.  On the English version there was a typo
with Rosenfeld's procmail recipe for handling application/pgp 
signatures, and that's about it for the update (except for the text 
version which showed Rosenfeld's address and not ours ... sorry!).

We are already doing some updating, but may be putting a warning telling
users to always check their version of mutt with the one in the
document may be a good idea in the meantime (and for future versions as

Thank You,

Horacio                                 Anno MMDCCLIII aUC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Valencia - ESPAŅA
Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

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