On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 04:51:46PM +0000, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
> I am trying to learn mutt alongside pine. Are there any settings i should
> put in my .muttrc so i can be reasonably sure that both mailboxes will be
> compatible? Is there a way to use my pine save folders with mutt as well?
By default both Mutt and PINE use the so-called "mbox" format, so either one
should be able to read mailboxes generated by the other. No special options
> I recently ran mutt on a shell account and saw no messages. Running pine
> showed 15, 1 new and 14 old. I'm not quite sure what i did, but mutt
> seems very complex to configure. I have several sample muttrc's, but
> obviously they still need to be customized.
Mutt has pretty reasonable defaults, so you are not _required_ to have a
config file. It's just nice to change things to your personal liking. PINE
is probably storing your spooled mail in a different location than Mutt
does. If you can find the file, you can set the Mutt variable $mbox to
point to that file.
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