Jens Wilhelm Wulf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 21 Feb 2000:
> although I can´t find a word about it, ^c seems to be bound to "exit" and I
> can´t unbind it. Or does mutt catch a signal on ^c and runs "exit" by itself?
> However, I want to bind ^x^c to "quit". Because of the fact just mentioned
> mutt never executes what I bind it to...binding for example ^x^q to "quit"
> is OK and works, so I think ^c is the problem...
The problem here is (very likely) that Mutt never sees the ^C character.
By default, ^C is set to be "interrupt", ie. it sends the SIGINT signal
when pressed to the currently running process. You can verify this in
the "stty -a" settings. Mutt then catches the SIGINT, and the result is
that "exit Mutt?" prompt. Also, if you press ? in Mutt, you will
(likely) see that ^C is not bound to anything.
Possible solution: disable ^C for interrupt. Either make interrupt
something else than ^C (eg. "stty intr ^P") or disable it altogether
("stty intr ''"). Choosing to disable it entirely has the drawback that
you can't then interrupt any process started from Mutt with ^C (the
editor, any pipes, or shell commands). Usually you don't need it, but
it might be VERY annoying if you can't do it the one time that you do
need it. If you re-bind it to something else, then the only problem is
to remember which key you bound it to, when you need it (you may not
have that much time, if you want to stop a runaway program...).
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //
// The Corrs list maintainer // net.freak // DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
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