On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 10:33:01PM -0600, freix wrote:
> I _still_ can't get this to fly.. so here's more info and anyone shoot
> it down or say it can be done?
> Mainly, can a hook contain another hook? If so, anyone have sample
> syntax? I'm trying a send-hook that has a pgp-hook in it.
> send-hook '~t ^someone@somehost\.somedomain\.com$' "set \
> pgp_autoencrypt pgp-hook 0xDBEC096A"
You are trying to use two commands in a single line, so you should
separate them with a semicolon.
send-hook '~t ...' "set pgp_autoencrypt; pgp-hook 0xDBEC096A"
should work (disclaimer: I haven't actually tried it)
Marius Gedminas
Did you know that 7/5 people don't know how to use fractions?