Searching email bodies for URLs, letting you pick the one you're
interested in, and firing up a browser is done by mutt's companion
program urlview, which should be linked off mutt's home page (although I'm getting lookup failures on that domain
name just now).

Your urlview config can specify a browser. It can be a wrapper
script. I only use links and lynx; links for everything except https
URLs. So my .urlview looks like:

        REGEXP (http|https|ftp|mailto):(//)?[^ >"]*|www.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;>">]
        COMMAND screen browse '%s'

The regexp is a trivial improvement on the default, that adds https
to the url types it can handle, and "browse" is a trivial script:

        case "$1" in
          https://*) exec lynx "$@";;
                  *) exec links "$@";;


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