Or, from the OpenBSD man pages:
The biff command appeared in 4.0BSD. biff was Heidi Stettner's dog. He
died in August 1993, at 15.
which suggests an earlier etymology than the hacker's dictionary.
On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 10:12 AM, Thomas Roessler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed:
> On 2000-02-16 15:28:43 +0800, Sverre Slotte wrote:
> > I remember having read ("Life with Unix" by somebody Ressler?)
> > that Biff was a dog who lived with its owner in Berkeley (in the
> > beginning of the 1980s?). Biff used to bark at the mailman.
> > Further down the hall from lived some of the BSD-hackers, and
> > they dedided to call the mail-notification program "biff".
> >From the jargon file:
> | :biff: /bif/ /vt./ To notify someone of incoming mail. From
> | the BSD utility `biff(1)', which was in turn named after a
> | friendly golden Labrador who used to chase frisbees in the halls
> | at UCB while 4.2BSD was in development. There was a legend that
> | it had a habit of barking whenever the mailman came, but the
> | author of `biff' says this is not true. No relation to {B1FF}.
> --
> http://www.guug.de/~roessler/