On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 04:34:19PM -0500, Bennett Todd wrote:
> 2000-02-16-16:22:11 Adam Sherman:
> > I still cannot figure out why this is happening. I tried setting
> > pgp-micalg to all three of the possible algorithyms and I still
> > get this wierd error:
> >
> > gpg: Can't check signature: unknown digest algorithm
> >
> > What am I doing wrong? (mutt 1.1.3) I'm not using the gpg-comp
> > script...
> >
> > I don't even know where to start, what information should I send
> > to the list?
> I still don't know what's going wrong with your sigs, but I think
> it's more basic than choice of algorithm. Leave that default. Your
> problem seems to be that your sigs aren't getting encoded. I
> attach the last message from you. Compare the way your sig looks
> (like a little barf of binary bits) with e.g. my sigs, which are
> ascii-armour encoded. Note that I'm letting mutt default in its
> attaching of your message, so the whole attachment is getting
> quoted-printable encoded, because mutt saw non-ASCII bits in it.

I have --armor in the gpg sign command... Why is this happening?

> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
> Content-Disposition: inline
> ˆ?¨ávB-· ¨™ø#¶Jǽ



Adam Sherman
+1 (613) 223-5746

PGP signature

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