Hi Edmund!
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> I attach a public key with <Esc>k, then I sign the message (with the
> same key). Why is the signature then bad? Attaching an ordinary file
> doesn't cause the same problem.
> Is it because I replace gpg-2comp by gpg in gpg.rc? If so, where was I
> supposed to get gpg-2comp from?
> Edmund
I got my gpg-2comp via the Mutt home page. And yes I tested your sig with
the key you sent and it was a bad sig. I tested sending mine the same way
and it worked okay.
Linux User: #124682 ICQ: 679813
My Current Uptime is 10d, 12h and 14m on Linux 2.2.14
It said "Needs Windows 95 or better". So I installed Linux...
PGP signature