Howdy all, new mutt user, love it so far, but... Sadly the stable debian distro only has mutt 0.95, so I'm going from scratch. I am Compiling it on a debian stable box with slang 1.2.2 (runtime and dev files) and ncurses 4.2 (tuntime and dev) and it all compiles fine, but no color! The .deb has color nicely, but my compiled version doesn't. It's not black and white, it's the slang greyish color. Compiled with ./configure --enable-pop --enable-imap --with-slang and using the supplied Muttrc in /etc (with lines such as color hdrdefault cyan black color quoted green black color signature cyan black etc... so I'm pretty sure that that is a nice default). Details are: --------------------------------- $ mutt -v Mutt 1.0.1i (2000-01-18) Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others. Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'. Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details. System: Linux 2.0.38 [using slang 10202] Compile options: -DOMAIN -HOMESPOOL -USE_SETGID +USE_DOTLOCK +USE_FCNTL -USE_FLOCK +USE_IMAP +USE_POP +HAVE_REGCOMP -USE_GNU_REGEX +HAVE_COLOR +HAVE_PGP2 +HAVE_GPG -BUFFY_SIZE -EXACT_ADDRESS +ENABLE_NLS SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail" MAILPATH="/var/spool/mail" SHAREDIR="/usr/local/share/mutt" SYSCONFDIR="/usr/local/etc" ISPELL="/usr/bin/ispell" _PGPPATH="/usr/bin/pgp" _PGPV2PATH="/usr/bin/pgp" _PGPGPGPATH="/usr/bin/gpg" To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. --------------------------------- I have the old mutt from the .95 .deb and it says: --------------------------------- $ mutt.orig -v Mutt 0.95.3i (1999-02-12) Copyright (C) 1996-8 Michael R. Elkins and others. Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'. Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details. System: Linux 2.0.38 [using slang 10202] Compile options: -DOMAIN -HOMESPOOL +USE_SETGID +USE_DOTLOCK -USE_FCNTL -USE_FLOCK +USE_IMAP +USE_POP +HAVE_REGCOMP -USE_GNU_REGEX +HAVE_COLOR +HAVE_PGP5 +HAVE_PGP2 +HAVE_GPG -BUFFY_SIZE -EXACT_ADDRESS +ENABLE_NLS SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail" MAILPATH="/var/spool/mail" SHAREDIR="/usr/share/mutt" SYSCONFDIR="/etc" ISPELL="/usr/bin/ispell" _PGPPATH="/usr/bin/pgp" _PGPV2PATH="/usr/bin/pgp" _PGPV3PATH="/usr/bin/pgp" To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. --------------------------------- so I've tried to copy it for options that should affect color. However I'm at a loss here, and after a couple of days of working on this I'm stumped. Can anyone help me please? Regards, Alan -- Arcterex -=|=- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -=|=- '... I was worried they were going to say "you don't have enough LSD in your system to do UNIX programming."' -- Paul Tomblin in a.s.r