on Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 09:21:51PM +0200, Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Breton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 29 Feb 2000:
> > There are a few solutions I can think of and I'm wondering if anyone
> > could advise me on which one might be best, or hopefully suggest a
> > better one.
> First of all, I'd recommend the approach to getting fetchmail.  In the
> daemon mode, it'll automatically fetch email in the background and you
> won't notice anything (except that the line is busy with some traffic...).

Im using a perl program called pop_perl5, which doesnt require
sendmail running on the local machine and has a daemon mode. I make an
ssh tunnel first:

ssh -f -L 1110:popserver:110 localhost 'sleep 7d </dev/null >/dev/null'

and then configure pop_perl5 to use localhost:1110 as the pop server.
This keeps my mail arriving all week to my localhard drive.

Then I use rsync to sync my mailboxes to a network share that is
backed up. Im very happy with the speed of mutt with local mail spool
and folders.

Bevan Broun                                           ph (08) 9380 1587
Computer Systems Officer                             fax (08) 9380 1065
Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering      
University of Western Australia                                 rm. G70

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