Hi Mikko,

Wrote Mikko Hänninen on Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 09:56:12PM +0200:
> Hello Chuck,
> Chuck Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 01 Mar 2000:
> > 1. Is is possible to remove the roughly half-second wait while "Mailbox
> > is unchanged" flashes in the status line when moving to a different
> > mailbox?
> I don't think it's possible to remove this.  Why do you want it gone?
> I think it's useful to know if the mailbox was changed (and how many
> messages were deleted etc.) or not.

Yeah I agree it can be useful but most of the time the mailbox is
unchanged. So it would be nice to go immediately if the mailbox is
unchanged but otherwise not pause at all.

> > 2. In the mailbox selection screen, there is no quick way to jump to one
> > of the folders that is not right near the top of the list. I can use
> Hmm.  I'm not sure if this is feasible, but I can see a solution such
> as whenever you're in the change-folder menu, you bind <Return> in the
> editor (the line editor) to something like "<enter><select-entry>",
> which will finish the current line and then do a select-entry function.
> I'm not sure if this would have some adverse effects though, because
> then Mutt would *always* do a select-entry after line editing, not just
> if you started with numbers.  And then you'd also need to have some kind
> of hook or something to re-bind <Return> in the editor to it's normal
> functionality, once you're out of the menu selection.

Hmm, could work. I'll give it a try.

> I don't think it should be just changed in the code to behave like what
> you want, because I can see that people (me included) would want to type
> in the folder number to jump to that folder, and then see if he/she got
> it right -- if the folder entry was off-screen, you might've remembered
> the number wrong, or even have no idea which folder that number was.

Agreed - and it seems difficult to find an option that would make sense
to control this behaviour. set noconfirmfolderselection...

> > 3. Folders with new mail are not always marked as such in the Mailbox
> > selection screen. It is useless having a feature that only works half
> > the time.
> Do you have external mailbox new mail checking?  A "biff" program, or
> maybe your shell checking the folders?  These kind of things can mess
> up the folder access times.
> Since you didn't say, I assume you're using mbox-style folders (yes,
> there are alternatives which aren't so prone to having this check fail).

Sorry yeah I'm using mbox style folders which fetchmail deliver to
every 3 minutes. I don't have any other external mail checking. 


Of course my shell is checking the folders. I'll turn that off and see
how I go.


> > 5. Would it possible to have a next-folder and previous-folder command in Mutt 
>somewhere so I
> > could move back and forward between folders with a single key?
> Just set up a macro that does "c-<enter>" and pressing that key will
> take you to the previous mail folder.
> > Also
> > next-new-folder would be good, to go to the next folder with new mail. 
> When you press c, the default prompt is the first mail folder with new
> mail listed in your mailboxes line.  So a macro doing "c<enter>" should
> work.  (Only problem here is that it will always start from the
> beginning of the mailboxes listing, so you probably want to list the
> mailboxes in the order of prioririty and preference then.)
> This does rely on Mutt being able to detect which folders have new mail
> though, if that's broken then that will affect things here too.

Aha! Bonza!

> > Actually a command to go to the next new message anywhere would be
> > useful as well.
> When I open a folder, Mutt starts at the first new message in that
> folder.  So by using the above macro, you'd get that behaviour.


Thank you!


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