On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 02:24:53PM +0100, Arnaud De Timmerman wrote:
> We use unix on server, some of our customers and we are using lotus notes on our
> desktops (it's not a choice). We have to send text-only (no mime/smime contents
> at first...) emails to those platforms. But in an automated manner so we have to
> deal with console based agent, this is where mutt comes handy. The error is that
Well, you could try "mailx" or "mail" or even "sendmail" directly.
> we never receive mail (but our customers who don't use the infamous Lotus get
> the mail right).
From that error it VERY hard to say what the problem is. I recommend having
a look at the server logs to see IF and TO WHERE the mail actually was
Also try sending mail using mailx and mail (where you can be sure that no
attachments and other dirty stuff is involved :))
Ralf Hildebrandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb
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