Jan Ludewig spoke these words of wisdom:
> On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 08:35:41PM +1300, Jamie wrote:
> > Also, I just realised that this may not be done through mutt, but
> > through some other program, so if it is, just tell me the program.
> Try procmail. The filters are quite easy to set up though procmail's
> regexes are...well...stupid. Furthermore procmail is really slow
> even with highly optimized scripts.
> So, if you receive a lot of mails (>1000/day) you should think about
> using your own perl-script. I did it and *cowaboom* my mails were processed
> up to 1000% faster ;).
Thanks a bunch. Wouldn't have thought of it myself. It seems that my
mail server here at uni is quite... crap, really. Wouldn't let me
compile procmail so I gave that up.
Perl seems to do the trick though. All I have to do now is remember my
perl, and I'm away laughing (so to speak)
- "Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech. "
- Martin Fraquhar Tupper