On 2000-02-09 23:05:36 -0500, Chris Woodfield wrote:
> Going through the archives, I found this mail, which mirrors
> exactly the errors I'm getting. I'm running 1.0.1-us.
1.0.1-us doesn't have any PGP support. However, documentation on it
may have survived.
> THe other thing is that according to said doc/manual.txt, the only options
> for pgp_default_version are pgp2, pgp5, and gpg. I just installed
> 6.5.2...am I going to be able to use that, or do I have to roll back to
> 5.x?
Get an "i" version of mutt and either use the included pgp6.rc, or
set pgp_default_version to "pgp6".