On Friday, 04 February 2000 at 12:41, Simon Atack wrote:
> I am using IMAP for all messages including the inbox. I want it so that
> whenever messages have been read in the inbox they are saved automatically
> to the imap directory INBOX.read
> I have tried setting move=yes but it doesnt move them to the folder on the
> IMAP server, I have even changed it to sent it to a local folder same
> result. I have also tried to use mbox-hook
You aren't doing anything wrong. This feature is currently disabled
for IMAP folders, because it was broken. I have a note in imap/TODO in
the source tree about implementing it after server-side COPY, which
was done a long time ago. I guess I forgot about it. I've been busy
reworking the IMAP command path, but I've had a couple of wrong turns
there and I may put it aside for a little bit and fix some of the
simpler outstanding bugs. This one shouldn't be hard to do.
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