Subba Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 03 Feb 2000:
> Has anyone implemented automatic solution to include the new
> mail+signature at the top followed by the quoted reply?

Mutt (deliberately) doesn't support this, not even as an option.  To
get Mutt behave like that would require patching.  I don't know of
any such patch, though likely it would be simple to do.

> What is the current recommended approach to reply formats?

IMHO, you quote the text you are replying to -- the relevant
portion of it, I mean.  After that you write your own reply.  If you
wish to address a different point from the original email, you quote
that, and then write your reply below.  And so on.  This way, the
reader can follow exactly what you are replying to.

Naturally, any quoted text that is *not* replied to and which is not
relevant for the reply, should be deleted.

That's exactly like I've done in this email. :-)


Unfortunately the Windows (or graphical? to avoid Windows-antibias)
email clients don't quite follow this line of thinking in their editors.
I can understand the logic that "your own text should be placed in front
of the reply, because the person is not interested in seeing the
original text, rather than your text" -- however why include the
original message at all, in that case?  The idea is to give a reference
for your words (eg. if you say "I agree").  And for that, a
point-reply-point-reply order is best.


// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
Immanuel Kant but Kubla Khan.

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