On Sat, Jan 22, 2000 at 03:25:11AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Russell --
> ...and then Russell Hoover said...
> % But I'm still not sure how to make a mutt macro to automatically put me
> % into vim in insert mode. Right now I have this .muttrc macro:
> Try an autocommand; for more info, go into vim and type
> :help auto
> and do some browsing. You probably want something like
> :au BufRead mutt-* i
> or close -- but I haven't tested that AT ALL :-)
> %
> % # Start cursor at line 8 (with edit_headers set)
> % # in vim's insert mode when composing new mails ('m'):
> %
> % macro index m ":set editor='vim +8'^M_A" "compose a new mail message"
> % macro pager m ":set editor='vim +8'^M_A" "compose a new mail message"
> %
> % The problem is that almost anything I put after 'vim ... is read as a
> % filename. Not sure how to get around that, any tips appreciated.
Actually the way to be placed at the first line is also the auto commands in
vim. I get a variable number of headers depending upon replies, hooks, etc.
So I use these commands snipped from Sven's .vimrc:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead mutt* :normal 1G}j
Which will move you to the beginning of the body. Add i to the end and you
will be placed in insert mode (not tested)
Duncan Watson ||| Smith Rock Hit List - Homecoming Queen 5.7, The
Unix Sysadmin at Large ||| Textbooks - Basalt Rimrock
Portland, OR |||
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