When in a folder with new messages you can go from one to the next new
message just pressing "TAB" key. How to come back to the previous new
Another thing that would be very interesting it to come back to the
prior message you've seen. Let's say that if you were reading message
20 and pressed TAB going to message 25. Pressing
"come-back-to-last-message" would bring me back to message 20.
I know that I can do that with the "goto-message" key, but I need to
know the message numbers to use that...
Godoy. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GPG Fingerprint
851B B620 626D 2AD0 E783
"Ser poeta não é minha ambição, E932 1330 BE6D A4A3 0625
é minha maneira de estar sozinho"
- Fernando Pessoa.
Except where explicitly stated I speak on my own behalf.
Exceto onde explicitado as declarações aqui feitas são apenas minhas.