Mixmaster support is supposed to handle MIME correctly.  Maybe you
are experiencing problems with some remailer on the route?  (You may
also send me a test message which is supposed to exhibit the problem
you believe to observe, I'll have a look at it then.)

On 2000-01-18 19:54:28 +0200, Sotiris Vassilopoulos wrote:
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 19:54:28 +0200
> From: Sotiris Vassilopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Mutt/1.1.2i + mixmaster support: multi part messages
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.1.2i
> Organization: BetaTech, Inc. - Athens, Hellas
> Hi,
> I have just upgraded to 1.1.2i and find its mixmaster support really cool.
> I have one suggestion:
> If the outgoing message consists of multiple parts, the user should be
> allowed to choose (using a .muttrc variable perhaps) whether the
> 'Mime-Version:' and 'Content-Type:' headers should be included in the
> received message.  If they are not included, the recipient's e-mail
> client will not recognize the part boundaries and will not be able to
> properly decode/save the attachments without her/his manual
> intervention (assuming (s)he has the knowledge/tools to do it).
> Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this nice program.
> -- 
> Sotiris Vassilopoulos
> BetaTech, Inc. - Athens, Hellas


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