On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 03:40:07PM +0100, Sven Guckes wrote:
:* Eugene Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000117 09:05]:
:> I dunno about your suggestions for a new alias file format.  Have you
:> looked at "ML" or "Pine" that do support rudimentary address books?
:> I think it would be nice to be able to press '?' at any mail header
:> and have Mutt bring up a list of all the available aliases,
:> or be able to type a few letters, then press <TAB>
:> to expand a list of all matching aliases.
:Mutt already shows all aliases with <TAB> - but you have to invoke this
:when mutt prompts you for an address on one of the address lines.

Didn't know about this feature.  Happy happy joy joy!  :)

Thanks to both Sven and Jeremy Blosser for mentioning this feature.

Personally, I'm not terribly concerned about Mutt aliases, as I tend to
keep it trimmed regularly and don't make aliases for each person I've
ever received email from.


:Thanks for the CC, Eugene, - now I see that I was
:unsubscribed to the mutt maillist since Xmas. :-(
:Sven  [who just resubscribed to the maillists]

No problem.  I guess that would explain why no one seemed to be
interested in Mutt.  Maybe everyone just left it for Outlook.  ;-)

Eugene Lee

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