On Sat, Jan 15, 2000 at 10:51:33PM -0800, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> I've recompiled cvs mutt with --enable-imap and --enable-ssl (with openssl
> installed) and all goes fine. ldd of mutt shows that it is linked
> against libssl correctly. But, after changing my .muttrc to refer to
> the server as {server:993/ssl}INBOX, mutt still connects to port 143 and
> doesn't try to do SSL-ized IMAP. Any clues as to what's going on?
Hmm.. strange. Have you tried running it without specifying the port?
Port 993 is used as default in SSL mode so there's no need to specify
it explicitly. If that fixes the problem, then I know where to look.
If not, well...
It seems that I won't be having much time to develop mutt this spring
anyway but I'll see what I can do.
Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]