On 2000-01-17 12:47:30 +0100, Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE wrote:
> I'm using mutt 1.1.2 and I've found one strange reply behaviour.
Not really.
> When I press 'r' as reply on message which have an attachment and
> I'm viewing it via 'v' as view-attachments command and cursor is
> on attached file(2), like this:
> 1 <no description> [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K]
> 2 lr61.jpg [image/jpeg, base64, 119K]
> mutt include my attachment to reply message! But when I'm on
> first entry and 'r'eply, mutt does not attach attachment.
OK, maybe I should have documented this change a little bit better.
The rationale behind the behaviour you are observing is this: When
you are replying to an attachment (or to a list of attachments),
mutt will try to included these attachments with the quoted part of
the message. Now, there may be attachments with a content type
which can't be converted to plain text. In this event, the
behaviour is controlled by $mime_forward_rest when you are applying
the reply function to a list of tagged attachments. However, when
you are replying to an individual attachment which can't be
converted to plain text, mutt assumes (or rather, I assumed when
writing that code) that you do so on purpose, and includes it as an
attachment with your reply message without asking.
BTW, similar semantics apply when _forwarding_ attachments, but in
this case, mime_forward is used to tell mutt not to try to convert
_any_ attachments to text/plain.
You may also wish to try the various message-related functions on
message/rfc822 attachments. For instance, try to resend-message the
message/rfc822 attachment included with an error notification from
your mail subsystem. ;-)