Mark Mielke [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 05:43:22PM -0800, Michael Elkins wrote:
> > The `lists' command specifies the mailing lists to which you are subscribed.
> > Since the purpose of the mail-followup-to field is to affect a group reply,
> > there is no reason to put your own email address in there since you are
> > already a member of the list (which is included in m-f-t).
> I can understand how this makes sense if the only people in the To:/Cc: list
> are several lists, but what if it contains people that also belong to the list?

Then they'll get two copies, which is redundant.  If they're on the list,
and you're mailing the list, why include them?

> I use the 'g'roup reply function to email the people concerned in the thread
> as well as the list itself. I realize some people hate this, but another large
> group of people like it. In this case, it all works perfectly except that
> when people with mail clients which respect Mail-FollowUp-To: respond to me,
> I don't get an email directed at me from them, but all the others on the list
> do. To me, this is wrong.

You don't get a copy through the list?

> Either Mail-FollowUp-To: should _only_ include the list, or it should include
> everybody which includes me. Because the first isn't always possible (we have
> no way of knowing which people are actually in which list) I think the second
> makes more sense.

I think the current method does the best it can at not being redundant,
which seems fine to me.  If the other people use mailers that generate
MFT headers I'd expect their replies to direct followups to the same group
minus themselves.

> This has the greatest effect in a mailing list that is often behind schedule,
> such that any person responding to me on a thread which I am concerned, does
> not have their article get to me until the list catches up, during which time
> everybody else (who doesn't use mutt) is able to communicate out of sync with
> the list.

Hrm, this seems like it might be the real source of your complaint... Mutt
can't help you here.  Perhaps the mailing lists could run on better
software.  There are several packages that can deliver to a whole lot of
people almost instantly.  If this isn't an option, see the next suggestion.

> Of course you can tell me I'm wrong... in which case I'll have to sit here
> with my hands crossed and then email the other person complaining about "my
> headers" that they are wrong.... :-)

You can always unset $followup_to if you *want* to get replies to you as
well as the list.  You can also generate this header yourself and make it
whatever you want it to be.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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