Byrial Jensen wrote...
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 17:40:38 -0800, Larry Lipstone wrote:
> > I find with my mutt-1.0i running on UnixWare 2.1.3, with TERM=dtterm,
> > every time the timeout (or whatever) period expires and it checks for
> > new mail, the program emits a "make cursor visible", then stat()'s the
> > mail drop, then sends "make cursor invisible".
> >
> > This causes my poor (yet expensive) ISDN connection to demand-dial [...]
> I see the problem. The attached patch should avoid the changes of
> the visibility of the cursor after timeouts. (I hope it does, but
> I cannot see the difference on my screen, so please test).
> The patch is usable on both the stable (1.0) and unstable (1.1.2)
> versions.
Yes, indeed it seems to have the desired effect, in my limited testing