Chris --

...and then Chris Green said...
% On Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 12:16:32PM -0600, Vikram Adukia wrote:
% > What happens when you try something like:
% > set spoolfile="{}"
% > 
% This is how I have it set up!  :-)

That's a start :-)

% > This allows me to access both the remote spool and local directories.
% > However, I do not have remote directories to also test with.
% > 
% Yes, but with the above set command when you try and save ('s') and
% *then* hit '?' to allow you to navigate the folders it navigates the
% *IMAP* folders not your local folders.  Alternatively if you give the
% full path to the folder you want to save in the '/' characters get
% changed to '.'.

Is your $folder set to your local file?  You probably lose the ability to
browse your IMAP folders easily (at all?), but it will get you your local

Maybe a macro to change your $folder setting based on where you want to
save something or what folders you want to browse...

% -- 
% Chris Green ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
%   Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%   WWW:

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