On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 10:05:26AM -0800, --A. Santoyo-- wrote:
> hello I'm having trouble getting mutt to run.  when I run the mutt
> command at the prompt I get an error that says /var/spool/mail/root is
> not a mail folder.  what can I do about this.  Any other tips to get

a) Never, ever read mail as root. Are you insane? mutt used to have a MIME
   bug which could arbitrary commands to be executed. As root (in your case)
   -- all I can say is "rm -Rf /" :)

   Create an alias for mail to root:
   in /etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases:
   root: some_other_user_but_not_root
   and run "newaliases" afterwards. 
b) About that bit with the mail-folder:
   Can you read it with elm? with pine? with mail?

Ralf Hildebrandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb
There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.
   --Ken Olson, President of DEC, World Future Society Convention, 1977

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