Thomas Roessler writes:
> [Given that there have been several people asking for this recently,
> I'm reposting this message.  I  guess I should start to release
> 1.0.1...]
> Mutt as a small y2k problem on the receiving end.  While mutt works
> just fine with four-digit year numbers, RFC 822 originally specifies
> two-digit year numbers, which still seem to be permitted.  (Not that
> any one should be using them nowadays...  However, at least one user
> seems to have stumbled over them in the wild already.)
> The following patch applies to the stable and unstable code branches
> and makes mutt deal properly with two-digit dates < 70.
> diff -u -u -r2.17 -r2.18
> --- parse.c   1999/11/18 10:31:09     2.17
> +++ parse.c   2000/01/01 17:59:20     2.18
> @@ -721,7 +721,9 @@
>        case 2: /* year */
>       tm.tm_year = atoi (t);
> -     if (tm.tm_year >= 1900)
> +        if (tm.tm_year < 70)
> +       tm.tm_year += 100;
> +        else if (tm.tm_year >= 1900)
>         tm.tm_year -= 1900;
>       break;

 I'm not sure about the  if (tm.tm_year < 70)  part. According the UNIX98
 specification by The Open Group, which has been adopted by all major
 Unix vendors, two-digit years 69-99 refer to the 20th century (19xx),
 and 00-68 refers to the 21st century (20xx), so I think this line of code
 should really read

 if (tm->tm_year <= 68)
     tm->tm_year += 100;

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