On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 04:33:36AM -0700, shawn å. wrote:
> Hi, I have a weird problem with accented charactures... Mutt won't display
> them. All I get are ?????? instead of àáâãäå. I know they are there, 'cause
> when I do a reply, vim shows the ?'s as à's. I have 'set allow_8bit' in my
> .muttrc, but it doesn't seem to help.
> Is there anything else I should set to get them umlauts?
Make sure that your $LANG environment variable is set properly. For
example, I use
export LANG=en_US
if that still doesn't work, try configuring Mutt with --enable-locales-fix
which assumes an ISO-8859-1 charset.
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